Now Playing…



By 11/11/26



By LA28

1.1 Million


“Giving permission to our inner child to come out and Play kindly together
…leaving a trail of kindness!”

What happens when we don’t play?

…in neighborhoods

…at school

…at work

…in neighborhoods

…at school

…at work


Cities and communities who support and provide play for teens, tweens, and adults have seen increased community goodwill and local business engagement.


Schools who keep the essence of play alive past elementary see a meaningful increase in goodwill, attendance, and overlall happiness. Play also proves to promote learning and retention along with a way to conflict resolution.


Forbes, Fortune and the New York Times have all published stories about the power of play to invigorate business.


The Play Way Opportunities

The Play Way will work with individuals, civic and organizational leaders to develop personalized and engaging play plans that incorporate our play principles to provide you or your group with a special pathway to achieving more positivity and enthusiasm every day.

In-person consulting

  • Dynamic Events, Classes, and Play Shops
  • Media Exposure
  • Inspirational Seminars
  • Team & Culture Enhancement Pop-ups
  • Plug in Play™ where it fits in your world

Ongoing programs

  • Monthly Resources Delivered
  • Virtual Training and Support
  • Ongoing Support For Any Sized Group

Partnerships & Collaborations

  • Partner Opportunities
  • Media Inquiries

Become a Play Ninja!
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Become a Play Ninja!
Sign up to Receive Play Missions


Where we’ve been playing…

Originally starting out in Los Angeles, USA – Lyndsie and The Play Way have now brought smiles and goodwill to dozens of communities, schools, organizations and people through pop-up events, ride-alongs with first responders and emergency services personnel, and spontaneous, disruptive play in many locations around the world.

We brought the cheerful essence of play to the normally serious act of food distribution to the homeless

We brought dancing to a Special Olympics event (when no one was dancing)

We took over a Delta Airlines flight intercom to bring play and laughter to stressed passengers with the help of a Hollywood star

We brought the spirit of play and lightness to an otherwise stressful work environment for a Sprint advertising campaign in Serbia

We are planning to break a world record using Spectrum NBC employees and guests to spread play and kindness in the community